Can I use salt to get rid of termites? YES! (Detailed)

Salt is commonly known for using it for cooking purposes to increase the taste of food. You did not know that you could use salt to get rid of termites. Termites are small insects that will feed on your household wood furniture.

Termites are somewhat like ants as they live in large colonies. But not to worry because salt will work on termites when used correctly. In this article, I will mention how you can use salt to eliminate termites. 

Can I use salt to get rid of termites

Can I use salt to get rid of termites?

Yes, you can use salt to get rid of termites. Among all other tricks to deal with termites, salt is one of the best solutions. Salt is considered the sworn enemy of termites and works so well against them.

All you need to do is make a solution with salt. Mix salt with hot water and spray on areas where termites have infected. It will take 2-3 days for all termites to die. 

What kills termites instantly?

Fipronil and hexaflumuron are two different chemicals that will help exterminate the termites. Among these two chemicals, fipronil is used in making termiticides.

A high concentration of fipronil or Hexaflumuron can kill termites instantly. Experts recommend using products with high fipronil chemicals around your home perimeters. 

What is the best home remedy to get rid of termites?

The best home remedy to get rid of termites is to use salt. Since salt works super well and is available in every house, it makes salt a great compound for dealing with termites. All you need to do is mix salt in hot water and spray on termites. 

You can use neem oil to get rid of termites. Neem oil is a natural remedy against many bugs and works against termites. All neem oil on termites, and they will be dead in no time. 

Does Epsom salt kill termites?

Yes, Epsom salt will kill termites. To kill termites with Epsom salt, you need to make a high concentration solution of Epsom salt and apply it to termite holes.

Using salt on termite entrances like holes and cracks will keep termites away from your house. Salts like kitchen salt will also work against termites. 

People Also Ask (FAQs)

What do termites hate the most? 

Termites hate sunlight the most. Their body doesn’t have much protection against sunlight; exposure to too much sunlight will kill termites. Termites prefer household furniture as they hardly get sunlight on them.

If you suspect your furniture has termites, leave them under sunlight, and all termites will die. 

Does vinegar get rid of termites?

Yes, you can use vinegar to get rid of termites. Vinegar will not only help you clean your kitchen sink in your house but also get rid of termites. All you need to do is mix half a cup of vinegar with two whole lemon juice and apply it to termites. All the termites will be gone for good. 


Termites are easy to deal with when you spot them early on. But there are fewer chances you will spot termites as they are hardly seen outside. You might notice termites on the ground, and that will indicate there is a termite infestation.

If you fail to spot termites early on, you will lose your valuable wooden furniture. If the infestation made your woodenware weak, you must replace it. 

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