Do bagworms bite humans – are they dangerous to humans?

No, bagworms do not bite humans. Yes, some worms bite humans, and you do not have to confuse them with bagworms. Bagworms are larvae that feed on plants and grow into a moth. Bagworms are insects that might not look good, but they do not threaten humans or human health.

Bagworms are peaceful to humans if not for plants. Bagworms are deadly for plants like pine, spruce, arborvitae, and the damage they can cause to these trees are immense.

Throughout this article, there will be more discussion about bagworms that you must know. 

Note: if you would get detailed information on Can An Evergreen Recover From Bagworms, check out this useful guide that I wrote.

What do bagworms look like?

Bagworms, also known as evergreen bagworms, are larvae that turn into black-colored moths. Male bagworms have a dark brown body, while the women bagworms have a yellow-colored tone and look like maggots.

Bagworms are one inch long that hang on the trees. When a bagworm hatch from its eggs, it covers itself with leaves, making a cocoon called a bag. It holds the bag by its legs and silk that the larvae produce itself.

The bags protect themselves from predators like birds and other insects. These bags can blend with the color of the tree and make it impossible to spot them through human eyes.

An adult bagworm has wings and eyes, while the female bagworms don’t lack eyes and wings. A male adult moth has the freedom to leave its cocoons while the women have to live inside their cocoons, lay eggs and die. 

Do bagworms bite humans?

The clear answer to this question is no. Bagworms don’t bite humans, although they might look like they will if you touch them. Bagworms live on plants and trees thus, and it doesn’t hurt any human.

But looking at the bagworms, it is hard to hold them in your hands since they are not good-looking bugs. Most people will avoid them, but if you want to see a bagworm close, pick it up in your hand, and that thing won’t bite. 

Are bagworms poisonous?

People often consider bagworms as poisonous insects judging by the fact that bagworms cause immense damage to plants. But in reality, bagworms are non-poisonous creatures. The reason why plants die is because of feeding on the foliage. 

Instead of bagworms being poisonous, you should be worried about the insecticides used to control bagworms. Since bagworms are tough insects and always have a cover on their body, regular pesticides do not affect them.

Instead, to control bagworms, strong pesticides are used, which are not only harmful to trees but also for living beings. It includes your dogs, cats, birds, and other animals. But with proper precautions, such accidents can be avoided.

Along with the safety precautions, the usage mentioned on the labels must be followed. Excess pesticides can damage your plant and contaminate the soil, ponds, or water sources nearby. 

What does a bagworm turn into?

Bagworms are larvae similar to caterpillars which grow into a moth. There are about 30 bagworm moths worldwide, all of which are unique in their way. After 2-3 months of feeding, bagworm larvae are ready to form its cocoon and soon hatch into an adult moth.

But not all bagworms turn into moths. Male bagworms can hatch into moths while female bagworms stay inside their bags. 


Bagworms are harmless insects for humans and other animals. The only downside about bagworms is they destroy trees around you. Some mere insects will destroy the trees that you put your effort to grow now. This brings up a call to action.

Since bagworms are harming your precious plants, you cannot sit around and watch your plant die. So you must take steps to prevent bagworms, and there should not be any hesitation. 

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