Is beetroot fruit or vegetable? Answer Explained!

A few days ago, while taking care of my beetroots in my garden, I stumbled upon a question. Is beetroot fruit or vegetable? Do you have the same question as well?

Then you have come to the right place. And I should tell you that I am stunned by your analytical mind.

After asking myself the burning question, I went on the internet, and I went full Nancy Drew mode (haha, kidding).

But, I studied and researched the topic very well, and I am here to answer all of your questions. So, stick around and keep on reading. You will be stunned by all the facts.

In this garden gild guide we’ll discuss the following:

  • What is beetroot?
  • Why is beetroot red inside?
  • Is beetroot profitable crop to cultivate?
  • When to cultivate beetroot?
  • What are the conditions required to grow beetroots?
  • FAQs
Is beetroot fruit thumbnails

What is beetroot?

Beetroot, scientifically known as Beta Vulgaris, is a vegetable root. So, it is basically a root that grows underneath the soil, and it is also known as garden beet, table beet, red beet, and sometimes just beet.

Beetroot is one of the best vegetables to eat as it is enriched with nutrients. They are an excellent source of folate (Vitamin B9), fiber, iron, potassium, ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), and manganese.

Do you know that beetroots as a whole and beetroot juice serve a good purpose in plenty of health benefits that include increased exercise performance, lower blood pressure, and improving blood flow? These benefits come from the high amount of inorganic nitrate present in them.

They can be eaten raw, and trust me; they are the most delicious when eaten raw. However, you can cook and pickle them too. The leaves of beetroots called beet green are edible and safe to eat as well.

Why is beetroot red inside?

Call me nerdy, but I really have to get a bit scientific here. Sorry!

As the seasons keep changing worldwide, chaos of different colors shows up in nature, showing us how vivid nature can be. These are some vivid hues that the biochemistry of plants can create.

And these happen for some pigments present in plants. For example, the pigment in maple leaves is called anthocyanin, giving them an orange-yellow color.

However, beetroots have completely different chemistry. I read a paper published in New Phytologist. In the paper, I read that biologists have recently discovered why beetroot has this red-purple color. The pigments in beetroots are called betalains that help give this vegetable an incandescent hue.

The pigments are made with an amino acid called tyrosine found in beetroots. Tyrosine is the starting material and responsible compound for more compounds made by plants. So, this is why beetroots are red inside.

Is beetroot fruit or vegetable?

We are in the middle of our article, and we already know that beetroot is a vegetable. So why is this a vegetable? Okay, now let me explain this.

All in all, what are fruits? Fruits are palatable food varieties that bear seeds inside them, and they create from the ovary of a plant that blossoms. Also, what are vegetables? Vegetables are portions of plants (in some cases the entire plant itself) like leaves, stems, roots, etc.

In the wake of matching the principles of the two definitions, you may have already guessed that beetroots are vegetables. Beetroot is a vegetable that belongs to a botanical family known as Amaranthaceous.

Is beetroot profitable crop to cultivate?

Yes, beetroot is a kind of vegetable that can make you rich if you cultivate it. Beetroots grow very fast than any other crops, and to my surprise, I found out that the beetroot seeds are fairly inexpensive. So cultivating beets can get you a lot of cash.

 cultivate beetroot on a firm

You have to work hard to earn loads of money.

Try spacing them in measurable amounts if you want to get consistent crops. Then, you have to fertilize their beds and try adding some boron.

But make sure that you do a soil test first. A little bit of boron really goes a very long way. Also, make sure that you keep all the weeds out.

If you do all these steps (practically there are more than these easy steps, I just pointed the main ones), I’m sure the beetroots will be sold by themselves.

After cultivating the crops properly, the price will depend on your local area markets. For example, if you grow crops near rural Tennessee, you might not get a fair price.

But in DC, Washington?

You might get rich overnight. Also, your price will depend on seasonality as well. If you have enough beetroots to sell in the middle of summer, early spring, or winter, you can charge for premium crops.

When to cultivate beetroot?

That’s an excellent question there, my friend. As per my research, beetroots are very cold-liking crops. Meaning that they grow well in cold weather in fall and early spring.

So, if you plan to cultivate them in warmer weather, give up the idea that beetroots don’t grow in hot temperatures. You can grow them in both large and small gardens as they require very much less space. They grow from both roots and tops.

What are the conditions required to grow beetroots?

To grow crops, there are some conditions you need to follow. I’ll state them below:

1. Site Selection:

You have to choose a land for growing beetroots with partial shade and very much well drained.

2. Soil Preparation:

Before planting the seeds, the soil should be free from sticks, trash, rocks or any kind of debris. You should mix biodegradable elements like leaves and grass to enrich the soil.

3. Choosing the variety:

There are many variations of beetroots, and you have to choose the best one according to your soil.

4. Planting:

First, make half-inch deep hole in the ridge and space the seeds up to 2 inches apart. Each seed grows 2-6 plants.

5. Fertilizing:

It is a crucial step. Ask your local agriculture center for helping you out with fertilizer of your beetroot variety.

6. Watering:

Please water the plants weekly if it does not rain.

7. Harvesting:

They are ready to be harvested in 7 to 8 weeks.

1. Does beet contain seeds?

Beetroots are biennial, meaning that they will produce seeds in the second year after being sown.

2. What are the benefits of beetroot?

They lower high blood pressure, can help people with heart disease, fight against cancer cells, help you exercise more and have many other benefits.



Hope we can give you the details about the benefits and growing process of beetroots and everything else in between. We tried answering every relevant question.

Beetroots are a crucial part of our diet, and there is no doubt about that. I hope you got all the answers you needed. 

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