Is Thyme a Vegetable, fruit or herb? (Answer Explained!)

Unlike fruits, known for the product of a plant, vegetables are edible plants. Vegetables can be the roots, leaves, flowers, stems, and any other part of a plant.

Sometimes the fruit of a plant is known as a Vegetable like tomatoes, olives, cucumber, eggplant, beans, etc.

Vegetables and herbs have similarities, but they cannot be called the same. Vegetables are the edible parts of a plant, and herbs are a subset of vegetables.

Another major difference is that vegetables can be tasteless, and you need to add seasonings to make them tasty, while herbs can be spicy, bitter, etc. Thyme falls under the subcategory of vegetables like parsley, basil, and oregano.

In this garden gild guide we’ll discuss the following:

  • Is Thyme a Vegetable or fruit?
  • Is cilantro considered a vegetable?
  • Is Thyme a herb or spice?
  • Is Thyme spicy?
  • Is Thyme safe for dogs?
Is Thyme a Vegetable Thumbnails

here is the short answer Is Thyme a Vegetable or fruit?

Thyme is not a fruit, and it cannot be called a vegetable. Thyme cannot be a fruit. Fruits are the jewel of a plant. When plants grow, they produce flowers that turn into fruit during a specific time of the year. Fruits have seeds that can be planted to produce new trees. 

Thyme is not exactly a vegetable, and that is because a vegetable is the part of a plant that is edible. So there are plants or parts of a plant that are edible but do not fall under vegetables. So we call it a subset of vegetables, and Thyme is a subset of vegetables.

Thyme is a plant we use to flavor foods like oregano, sage, basil, and parsley. That’s why we call these herbs. Herbs are part of plants like roots, leaves, stems, bark, etc., which are used to flavor up and make a dish more fragrant. 

Is cilantro considered a vegetable?

The simplest answer is that cilantro is not considered a vegetable but a subset of vegetables that we call herbs. Cilantro is a member of the vegetable kingdom, just like any other vegetable.

But what separates it from the other vegetables is that cilantro cannot be eaten like a vegetable.

By that, I mean we cannot eat it like cabbage or carrots instead, cilantro brings flavor and fragrance to a dish.

Herbs are members of the Apiaceae family. Herbs are different from vegetables, and we say that herbs are a subset of vegetables. Herbs give off a strong flavor and fragrance and a slightly different taste to dishes.

Some examples of herbs are parsley, oregano, thyme, and basil. These are added to make dishes smell or taste different. Herbs are a small addition to many dishes, but they can be really important if not used.

And sometimes, adding too many herbs can spoil a dish. Without herbs, it feels like something is missing in a dish.

Is Thyme a herb or spice?

Thyme is a herb. And that is mainly because herbs are a subcategory of vegetables like parsley, sage, dill, etc. Thyme is used to flavor dishes, while spices add properties like taste and color. 

Herbs have similarities with spices, but they cannot be considered the same. We use herbs to season different dishes. Herbs give the dishes some unique and sometimes earthy smell to it.

Herbs are used to season dishes made from vegetables, meats, fish, and seasonings that go perfectly with these. Herbs may or may not be any edible part of the plant. But the primary purpose of herbs is to add flavor. Herbs are the leafy part of tree-like rosemary, basil, oregano etc. 

Spices and herbs have something in common between them: their flavor. Spices also tend to add flavor to your dishes, but spices have a strong flavor to them unlike herbs. And this is mainly because spices can be any part of a plant.

That includes the fruits, barks, leaves, and even roots. The reason behind such strong flavors is that they are enriched with the plant’s essential oil.

Is Thyme spicy?

Yes, fresh thymes have a bit of spicy flavor. But the flavor is balanced perfectly with a sweet taste from the thymes, which can give off a slight flavor like cloves. It is peppery yet sweet with a bit of earthy taste.

Thymes are best when they are fresh. It is basically like coriander, with green leaves and a thick stem holding the leaf onto it. It is surely a unique herb which you must try according to the dishes. 

Is Thyme safe for dogs?

Thyme is quite popular among all other herbs, and people like to keep thyme at home. This is because, for human beings, thyme can be good for health. And luckily, thyme is also a safe herb to give to your dog. But do make sure that you give your dog a small portion of thyme.

Thymes have many health benefits when used on a required level. The below table shows the health benefits of thymes.

NutritionHealth Benefits
VitaminsThymes provide necessary vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin K. These vitamins will help your dog grow into an adult. In addition, these vitamins will boost your dog’s immune system, which will help fight against many diseases and fasten the healing of any injury. 
MineralsThymes are great for having healthy bones and important for body development.
Getting rid of parasitesThyme is a great way to replace your chemical solutions to get rid of parasites. Thymes are great against parasites like hookworms. 
Asthma problemExperts say that thymes work best against asthma problems. Results show that thymes can increase the airflow inside the lungs. And definitely you are not limited to this resolution. You can contact a vet and get the necessary treatments done to your dog. 
OtherThymes will help your dog fight against bacteria, pathogens and fungus. It also works great during cold or illness. Thymes is a powerful oral antiseptic. Thymes can boost digestion and also aid indigestion. 

Along with these great health benefits, thymes do have some side effects.

  • Thymes are sources that have a high amount of fiber, and sometimes, this high amount of fiber can be the reason for indigestion in dogs. In addition, it could lead to irregular puking and diarrhea. 
  • Research shows that Spanish thymes, a different variant of thymes, can be toxic for your dogs. Such toxicity could lead to thyme poisoning. Not only that, too much thyme intake can cause issues like breathing problems and diarrhea. You must take immediate action if it occurs.

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Final thoughts

Thyme is an important addition to the world of herbs. Thymes do have their unique features of being flavourful. But more importantly, the health benefits are what matter the most.

The health benefits are not only for human beings but also for animals. It helps to fight against bacteria and improves the health of animals. And the main part is that thyme is affordable and can even be grown at your home. 


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