Do Plaster Bagworms Bite – How Dangerous Are They?

No, plaster bagworms do not bite or harm human beings. Plaster bagworms, also known as household casebearers, fall under moth species. Plaster bagworms are a unique species of moth. A plaster bagworm is similar to bagworms which creates their bag from leaves to hide from predators.

But the difference is plaster bagworms use their silk and debris to make a bag that helps them camouflage themselves in the wild. Unlike the regular bagworms that feed on your plants, plaster bagworms live inside your house and mostly feed on silk and wool.

Plaster bagworms, also called household casebearers, are left inside your house by making a case or bag around their body. 

Do plaster bagworms turn into moths?

Yes, plaster bagworms do turn into moths and more importantly, a quite distinct species of moth. Plaster bagworm moths are tiny and grey. Plaster bagworm moths have dark spots on their bodies and long grey hairs.

The female plaster bagworm moths can lay up to 200 blue eggs. The female moths keep their eggs in a safe place until it is ready to hatch. Unlike regular female bagworms, female plaster bagworms do not lay eggs inside their bags.

When the larva hatches, they cover themselves with silk and debris collected from the surroundings. The plastic bagworms carry their bags as they seek food and form cocoons inside their bags. 

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Do Plaster Bagworms Bite?

No, plaster bagworms do not bite. They are harmless worms that won’t bite or sting and don’t pose any threat to human beings. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for your appeals. Plaster bagworms will feed on your rugs, clothes, and natural fibers. 

Are plaster bagworms harmful?

Plaster bagworms are more on the damaging side rather than considered harmful. Plaster bagworms will not harm you except for your clothes. Plaster bagworms also feed on cobwebs, spiderwebs, and dead insects, which is a good thing. 

How do plaster bagworms get in the house?

Adult bagworms can fly and thus breed inside your house once it finds an opening in your living room, bedrooms, garage and shed. From there the infestation occurs and spreads quickly.

There is already a major reason for plaster bagworms to get in your house: safety. Plaster bagworms are not like any regular bagworms that feed on plants. Plaster bagworms are moths that feed on your clothes and can be found on your clothing rack and drawers.

It creates a suitable environment for plaster bagworms to grow as they are surrounded by food sources. The most common places where plaster bagworms are found are on the ceiling and walls of your house. 

How to get rid of plaster bagworms naturally?

There are many ways you can get rid of plaster bagworms and make sure they do not return anytime soon. You can also try home remedies that will be effective against plaster bagworms. 

#1- Using a vacuum cleaner 

Vacuum cleaners are not only meant to clean your floors, but you can also clean other places like the corner of your walls and ceilings. They can suck up the plastic bagworms from the corner of your walls.

A regular vacuum cleaner will be fine for this work, and you don’t need to invest in a new, better, and more powerful vacuum cleaner. Although this isn’t the most effective way to deal with plastic bagworms, it can reduce their numbers quickly. 

#2- Cleaning debris

It is crucial to keep your house clean as plaster bagworms will use the dirt and debris to blend in with the color of your walls and ceilings.

To prevent that from happening you must clean your house every week and if possible twice a week. While cleaning your ceiling and walls, you must get rid of spiders and spiderwebs as they are the first source of food plaster bagworms will rely on after hatching from eggs. 

#3- Turn off the outdoor lights

It might seem like a small thing to stop plaster bagworms from entering your house, but in reality, it is also a preventive measure that you must take.

Moths are attracted by light sources and the warmth of the light sources. While keeping the outdoor lights turned on, you are attracting moths, and they will look for a suitable breeding place.

The moths will be looking for ways to enter your house and Ultimately living behind an infestation of Plaster bagworms. 

#4- Keeping the humidity low

Plaster bagworms love when the humidity is high. It serves as a perfect environment for plaster bagworms to be. Plaster bagworm infestations are widespread in countries with high humidity, like Florida. To lower the humidity of your room, you can use a dehumidifier. There are other alternatives like using your air conditioner. 

#5- Experts advice 

You can always seek professional advice if you notice the infestation has spread throughout your house. But do remember that this can be an expensive way to eliminate your problem. 

You can try a quick home remedy that includes you using dish soap to remove plaster bagworms. The dish shop works as a repellent for many worms and insects. Many species of bagworms are vulnerable to dish soap, making it super handy to use against worms. Moreover, it is a cost-effective way to get rid of your problems. All you will ever need is to mix dish soap in water and spray on the plaster bagworms. 

For more guide watch this:


You might consider plaster bagworms a threat or not, which is a subjective opinion, but I feel like plaster bagworms are dangerous for your house. The infestation can spread fast, and you will barely notice any difference.

Having some plaster bagworms at your house might sound alright as they will get rid of cobwebs for you. But the damage they will do to your precious clothes is unchangeable. So, how you will do it depends on you and your pocket!

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